Thursday 23 June 2011

Phallic symbols in Handwriting

Phallic symbols in handwriting are a sign that the writer is obsessed with sex and has vivid erotic fantasies. Often, writers with phallic symbols in their writing can only attain sexual pleasure when indulging in extremely unconventional practices. 

some such personalities with phallic symbols are posted below.
Michael Jackson
The "King of Pop", Michael Jackson, will be remembered for his music, moonwalk and mystifying personal life. Let's see what his handwriting reveals about his HIStory.

You can tell a lot from a single letter, especially when that letter is the personal pronoun “I.” The “I” is the most significant letter in the English alphabet because it signifies the self. Your “I” reflects how you feel about yourself on a personal level. Look at Michael's personal pronoun "I" from a single paragraph in his writing.
Multiple identities crisis
Do you see how it varies from cursive to print and from large to small? Michael's ever changing "I" reflects his unstable constantly changing self-image.
In the sample below, look at the lower loops of the words "for" and “forth”.

Does that shape remind you of anything?

Phallic symbols
Jackson often embedded phallic symbols in his handwriting. Phallic symbols in handwriting are a sign that the writer is obsessed with sex and has vivid erotic fantasies. Often, writers with phallic symbols in their writing can only attain sexual pleasure when indulging in extremely unconventional practices.

Also, you may notice that Michael signed the note with teeny "M. J." initials. Michael's small initials show that at the time he wrote this (in 1987) Jackson felt small and wanted to retreat from the public eye. Compare these tiny initials to his large signatures, which indicate an inflated ego.
The signatures below are from a letter Jackson wrote in 1987 (left) and from his 2002 will (right).
Two signatures
    • In both signatures, the second hump of the “M” is taller, which indicates a fear of being ridiculed. Even though his signature has changed, this trait is constant.
    • High upper zones show a writer who is reaching for the top and has a vivid imagination; however, if the upper zone becomes overly exaggerated, as in the 2002 signature, it can be a sign that the vivid imagination has turned into paranoia.
    • Both signatures contain "X's" where they don't belong. X'ing in a signature shows self-destructive (sometimes suicidal) tendencies. 
      (taken from 

      What do the following writers have in common?
      A. Beaumont, the spy; B. Donatien, the writer; and C. Wilber, the accountant?
      If you guessed that they all have phallic symbols in their handwriting … you’re right! When phallus-shaped strokes are found in handwriting, it shows that the writer is obsessed with sex and has vivid erotic fantasies. These writers can only attain sexual pleasure when indulging in extremely unconventional practices. Let’s take a closer look at Beaumont, Donatien, and Wilber to see the connection between those strange appendages in their handwriting and their bizarre sexual behaviors. Our first writer (A) is Chevalier Charles d’Eon de Beaumont. Beaumont, born in 1728, was short and chubby with a gentle sweet voice. Sent to Russia by the French government, he pretended to be a woman, and spied on the court of Empress Elizabeth in Saint Petersburg. Afterward, he served as a French diplomat in London. There, Beaumont became the subject of a great controversy. Was he a man or a woman? Over 300,000 pounds (a “king’s ransom” in those days) was wagered at the London Stock Exchange on Beaumont’s gender. After Beaumont returned to France, refusing to reveal his (or her) gender, the King of France issued an official order requiring Beaumont to “lay aside the uniform of a dragoon, which he had been in the habit of affecting, and resume the garments of her sex and is forbidden to appear in any part of the kingdom in any garments than those suitable to a female.” When Beaumont died on May 22, 1810, an autopsy revealed that Beaumont was, indeed…a man. The second writer (B) is Donatien Alphonse Francois, AKA the “Marquis de Sade,” (1740-1814). The Marquis de Sade published detailed descriptions of perverse and cruel – “sadistic” – sexual acts. Some consider his novels celebrations of sexual and political freedom. Unfortunately, many of the acts described in his novels were non-fiction. De Sade spent much of his thirties and forties in prison and the last 13 years of his life in an insane asylum. Our third writer (C) is Wilber, an accountant from Kentucky. Wilber lives in the suburbs with his wife “Susan” and their two small children. Wilber wonders why he likes to put on his wife’s high heels and undies and cruise for men. Oh, the phallic symbol, such a telling mark. So…if your husband is in the computer room at night way too long, or a coworker tries to shock you at every opportunity with sexual innuendos, and your landlord seems to know far too many details about your personal life…should you be concerned? Have you looked at their handwriting lately?
      (taken from:
      Below is the writing and Signature of the famous MF Hussain. 
      Shatrughan Sinha an actor in Hindi Film Industry.

    • Salman Khan 
      Please leave your comments on the above samples provided.